Friday, August 10, 2012

The Fantasy Football Heroes You Deserve

An interview with The Fantasy Football Guys, Kevin Moore and Lyle Konkiel - by Matt Prendergast

This time of year, I'm often besieged by lot of folks who come up to me and ask 'Matt, how do you know so many things about fantasy football?' It's at this point that I know two things: 1) They clearly haven't been following my success rates in fantasy play the last two years, and 2) They still don't know about TFFG.

The truth is, the first couple of years of this hobby, I stumbled about at drafts like the suckers I try to lure in today; my first draft consisted of first and second round Wide Receiver picks, and I may very well have drafted a tight end who had retired a season previous....ah, the salad days. But then iTunes came around, and with that, the Podcast revolution. And in search for higher learning, I tried all the big names: ESPN, CBS Sports, the NFL themselves...and while they all had plusses and minuses, I still felt I clicked on a link for 'The Fantasy Football Guys', a homebrewed 'cast by two fellas from the Philly area with no big-time network endorsements, recording out of one dude's basement.

And then I really started learning this sport.


It was the year 2000, and in a back room of a bank in beautiful Delaware, two veteran web programmers and hardcore Eagles fans with nothing but mountains of code to write and each other to entertain themselves started talking football...and more football, specifically their mutual love of the fantasy side of the game.

iTunes don't lie, son
Fast forward a bit down the road, and The Fantasy Football Guys podcast was born, fueled on craft beers, blind fury, and most importantly, the ever-elusive combination of intelligent opinion seamlessly blended with a real sense of humor - sure, some of it may be rightfully branded as 'locker-room', or even 'juvenile', don't dare take that as dismissive: These are guy's guys, and for an hour every week, for the past seven years they've invited us to hang out.

And hang out we have...proof positive: without fail, this indie podcast is continually ranked in the iTunes Top Ten for fantasy football podcasts - hell, under all 'sports podcasts' in general. Don't believe me? Take a look at the proof over to the left. That's from this week - Monday, June 30 to be precise. We're still a month away from the season, and that's episode two of the new year....and check out the hoity-toity neighborhood.

Having the good fortune to become a minor part of the sharp-witted and fantasy-educated forum community over the years, I've had the good fortune to get to know The Fantasy Football Guys, Lyle Konkiel and Kevin Moore, a little bit here and there - they still work their day jobs, and still crank this thing out weekly during the season pretty much solely for the love of the hobby.

But enough of my opinion and's the fellas, in their own words, along with plenty of awkward pauses and 'ums' from my idiot head - initially I was just gonna transcribe it, but it's unarguably better in their own voices:

(And in the interest of full disclosure, I am horrible at audio editing.....)


In which we cover show history, statistics, podcast theory and the magical world of iTunes, the bodings of the future including the new YouTube Channel....and briefly explore the magical first meeting of our heroes....We'll call this: A New Hope

Thoughts on a Corporate Future?

THE FANTASY FOOTBALL STUFF - Or why you're actually here.....

Value Based Drafting vs. The Fantasy Football Guys 'Magic Formula' - If you listen to nothing else, listen to this one.

On The Topic of  Flyers and Sleepers...

Advanced Theory on the Future of the Stud Running Back

Common Mistakes for New Fantasy Players or: How I Stopped Taking The Bears D In the 4th

Lyle, TheFantasyFootballGirl, Kevin - Yes, there's a FFGirl
THE FANTASY YEAR AHEAD - Some Theoretical thoughts on the upcoming season...

First the possible letdowns: Let The Buyer Beware...

Any entire 2012 teams they'd avoid?

How would one screw over the other if they controlled one position on his roster the week they went head to head?

And finally, if either could cherry-pick one player off an NFL roster and place them on their beloved Philadellphis  - a DreamEagle, per se....who would that be?

The Fantasy Football Guys podcast is available at iTunes and via many many podcast aggregator apps worldwide. To listen live, tune in on Wednesdays at 8 PM EST on Livestream, and be sure to visit (don't forget the Forums!)  as well as the new YouTube channel.

Oh, and while you're busy clicking all those buttons, how about you subscribe to @AmazingMattyP on the Twittery-twitter? He needs the validation.

In fact, follow all the ReclinerQB crew - they're good people and deserve nice things! ReclinerQBSonny PrierJR SheppardCorey DoironChristie MacMarcus Wyche, and Josh.

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