ReclinerQB is family and football. Shadetree sports writer, giving you football opinions for the everyman.
We are currently recruiting writers to contribute to to diversify opinions and truly make this everyman's site.
Thank you all for your support with this journey, it started 10 years ago when my obsession with football first started bordering on the "unhealthy" side (told you it would eventually pay off Dad!!) and I never thought I would be this far in this short amount of time. I did not start the site until just a couple of months ago, figured I might as well have an outlet for it.
I would especially like to thank Tina (for always supporting me in all my obsessions), Christie for helping me setup and all peripheral stuff, managing my website, and designing my logo (even though she almost single handedly destroyed it the night before the 1st day it was to go big time on PFT), Mag, Cam, and Beth for always allowing me the big TV for watching football and NFL Network (and Mag and Cam because they are currently recruiting writers for my website, right guys???), Mom and Dad for everything y'all have done ALWAYS!!! Donnie thanks for being my verbal punching bag, and always giving me a good laugh when I watch you screw up your "home improvement" projects (like the door locks).
Be sure and email us at if you want to join our writing team.